I've recently started working with a couple new tools: JSPM [http://jspm.io/], and Angular Material [https://material.angularjs.org/]. I won't go into much detail on using JSPM here, will save that for future posts, but I do mention it becaus … »
Angular Material Sidenav -
Nodevember 2015 - Day 2 There was such a good response from my Nodevember 2015 - Day 1 Recap [http://www.blog.bradleygore.com/2015/11/15/nodevember-2015-day-1/] - thank you to all who read and provided feedback! I hope this Day 2 recap is also of benefit :) Let's jump r … »
Nodevember 2015 - Day 1 Today was the first day of the Nodevember [http://nodevember.org] conference - and it was fantastic. I thought I'd take some time to go through the sessions I attended and what I got out of and/or experienced at each one. ---------------------- … »
Smarter Git Hooks with --porcelain In a previous post [http://www.blog.bradleygore.com/2015/08/07/git-hooks-for-the-front-end-developer/] I introduced Git Hooks and how to make them a seamless part of the frontend dev's workflow. I'd like to build on that and talk about how t … »
✭Cordova Sqlite Migrations✭ A while back, I wrote a post on Getting started with Cordova Sqlite [http://www.blog.bradleygore.com/2015/08/25/getting-started-with-cordova-sqlite/] . As I've been working on a hybrid mobile app (more about that coming very soon!), I've foun … »